Thanks for the info. Signed a very happy young lady , Oh & I got Sambas a week before this also on a Tuesday after the realms came back up for maintenance (I’m thinking it was around 11am Realm time (California) ~Cenarius ), In addition I got Loque’nahawk about 2 days prior to taming Sambas, so a Sunday & The stable size is getting a massive increase to 200 slots to help you collect all these new pets, and yes, there is finally a new Spirit Beast to be tamed after an absence of any new ones in Battle for Azeroth. I got him on my first day of camping for him, They are all on the same timer, i found loque at 12:30, then went and snaged up arcticus, and skoll all within 5 min from eachother. btw im busy looking for the bear in grizzly hills…. Cheers! factor hanging out in the cities. Last time I tried for an alt, there were typically 2-3 other hunters there already camping. Grats Kaylissia! Just shows how empty the servers are these days. So 13 hours ago I only had one spirit beast, Arcturis. I’m pretty sure this mob is there by design, because if you happen to try kiting Degu through this area while the cat is out, it will jam you up because it will hit you with a slow, allowing Degu to roll up on you and eat you. This happened around 5:45am (Realm time ~ California) Cenarius Nice update to guide. The spectral blue Magria roaming around in The Regrowth. I gotta say your site has been very useful! Exhilaration – If he does manage to get close and bite you -and you can manage to escape death- this heal could make the difference between success and failure. Type Zone Spawn Timer Expansion; Cat. Beware of his Nerfbat! There is a stealthed cat that hangs out in the center portion of his pathing zone. You have to be patient and good luck. Garwulf, I thought I would throw out a suggestion to add to your guide here when it comes to Ban’thlos,Ankha and Magria. Sometimes it’s Saronite and sometimes the same node is Titanium. 6-17 hours. what are the odds of that? Spirit Beast Guide for Wrath of the Lich King Realms Hellow fellow Hunters! Start the fight petless…trust me. Skoll I tamed @ 12:30am midnight Realm Time (California) Cenarius So i pop on my flying mount and just float a good distance between him. I was really on edge because of all the mob around there and me with no armor. Magria – 12/14/15 @ 11:13pm. Nuramoc When Kill Shot becomes available you’ll know that Strong Will has fallen off and Hutia is ready for taming. Stay on the path headed for Shado-Pan Monastery. Nevermind, I got Loque’nahak 21:10 pm the river near The Makers Perch in Sholazar Basin. Hey , Simply grab your local priest, set up on the ground below them flying in the air within range of Ban’thalos. But, in case you haven’t, and because others may be wondering the same thing, from my experience, the best place is the location due west of the Nesingwary camp. Oh no! I also found doubles and tipples of some of these beasts. You’ll probably take a bit of fall damage, but Deterrence will at least protect you from his Harsh Moonlight. That way I’d be able to close quick for a clutch Scatter Shot in case Hutia tried to cast the heal before SilShot was available. But you might wanna update the new spamming times, it seems lately there were major changes there (for example, Skoll respawned on my server after 7 hours). I know the exact times and locations of all the Spirit Beasts. I have learned a lot. How do I get to Northrend? Anyways I have them 3 Nuramoc, Skoll, Ghostcrawler, Loque’nahak, King Cruch, Gondria, Arcturis, and Karkin. took 4-5 hours and only took 1 spot to farm at<3. And that makes 7 spirit beasts in 5 days, guess i have been kinda lucky since it is kinda high populated realm and all. To try this method, just open up your Macro config and create something like this: This of course has all nine of the rare spawn Spirit Beasts listed, but feel free to edit it to suit your needs. Skoll was a bit of an exception though; the guy made me pay 5000g, but I would have regretted it if I didn’t. The quest chain begins here:, Thanks Garwulf you have made a fantastic site it was a great help, when I am able to get my first spirt beast witch will hope fully be ban’thalos.. Have to say my last 3 were Gumi. Maintaining the proper range is easier to do when the kiting is slowed down a bit. – After taming the Loque I kept looking for Aotona, cause I read something that they (Loque, Aotona and King Krush) spawn together or nearly. TerrorSpinner Great Guide!! Thanks for putting this together,Very helpful and thanks to you u have just tamed Arcturis! But in the past month, I’ve just stumbled across Karoma and now Ankha. He drives me insane! Now officially the proud owner of all 4 Spirit Beasts straight up BM … well thats alliance flunkies for ya. Gondria nabbed at 3:25 realm time in Baelgun, finally after getting skoll quickly this was a pain to search…. Another tip it to keep your current pet dimissed before you start flying. He wasnt taming it, he wasnt letting me tame it. Looking for Skoll after changing from SV to BM. Found at second spawn point I searched, noone in the area, tamed. Whim-shuhalo (Whim) 15 November 2018 21:41 #10. So make sure to clear your cache before you camp! You seem to have plenty already. Best way to go about this is to keep going around and around the log, hitting Hutia with Concussive Shot, Glaive Toss, an occasional Ice Trap, etc… I recommend using Aspect of the Hawk for this fight (as opposed to Cheetah) for the added DPS, since Hutia is not particularly fast, plus you can maintain slows on him. Tamed Hutia using a guildies help. If your one of those every hour on the hour people like me, then stick around for about 15 mins. He’s horde I’m Alliance so I was like fuq em. If you see no repeatable quests then you are not in the correct phase. Gondria Hunter Pet Guide. 1. Loque’nahak has seven spawn locations throughout Sholazar Basin. Step 2 : Go in stormwind in 71,72. To start this process, it’s important to pick a location where the fall will be very short. I would focus on those spots. And Louque is also in my stable. Have some consideration for other hunters who have been camping for hours on end. Hoping when the moment comes I don’t panic or have someone grief me, wish meh luck! Sad sight! hey guys as spirit beasts have become more helpfull in BFA i thought id do a complete spirit beast guide to help you hunters find the one you are after :). Right now (3.3.2), BM isn’t quite up to snuff as SV or MM, and so heroic-raid-competitive hunters aren’t bringing BM to ICC. Skoll Anyone on horde side of Tortheldrin, feel free to head up to Bor’s Breath and camp this player back! Elegon is a level 40 Boss Elite creature in the Spirit Beast family. Grabbed Arcturis at 3:19 PM server time (coordinates 31.38 55:23). Gondria I tamed @ 12:45am midnight Realm Time (California) Cenarius, Needless to say this has been the best start to a week I’ve ever had! I only heard about spirit beasts recently and they have been on my wish list ( read- obsession) ever since. I then pop down and distracting shot/chimaera shot it. BUT SOME MOTHERFUCKER KILLED IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME For this reason, Aspect of the Hawk will be what you want. IN FUCKING 20HRS!!!!! Anyone have any info on finding them easier. In fact, this is typically what I use. Flew in to check because I was making my rounds and nearly had a heart attack when I saw NPC Scan go off. I can not, nor will I make any claims to spawn timers. They are not linked, however. XD. Skoll, Loq, and Gondria have the exact same respawn times. . Yesterday morning i logged my Hunter which was camping / flying upon Brunnhildar Village and there is was the blue dog walking around there all alone. Ankha – 12/14/15 @ 12:30pm Ban’thalos must be aggro’d while airborne, and considering how high he flies, this means you need to survive the fall once you’ve gotten his attention. Yes, I know, I probably could have tried harder to find wanting hunters but to be honest, I wanted to get Magria and knowing the current spawn timer was/is an advantage that I kept to myself until now. Keep within 10-15 yards of Degu while kiting him. He is now my Favorite for when I PVP. So i wasn’t sure if those two had the range to cover his patrol of AD any advice would be awesome. Arcturis is believed to be on a 10-12 hour respawn timer. So, I landed on the marble stones surrounding the statue of Malorne. been searching for karoma in twilight highlands but still no sign of him any tips that could help me find his common spawn points pls im at twilights hammer realm . After months of trying camping, I gave it up. PS now if you could just give good advise on those rude hunters who come in and stand on you or in front of you when you’ve been there putting in the hours hehe ???? When Ban’thalos is within range, dismount, shoot him, then pop Deterrence. Proud to say that Ive tamed 4 in approx. Has any1 randomly gone to a spawn place were one of these spirit beast and have found one of them. i quickly tamed it and it hit lvl 82. people never respond about sightings or if they killed or tamed her ive spent the last 18 hours in SB flying around Her (yes loque’nahak is a girl FYI) and ive only seen KK twice…. NAWT!!!! Later on when my gear was less crap, I didn’t have to kite him quite as far, but it was still required that I turn around at the monastery and kite him back down the road a ways before he was ready. Fire Concussive Shot at him whenever it’s off cooldown. Karoma – 4:05 P.M. (56.49 – 62.13) Spirit Beasts are exotic pets – only available to Beast Mastery hunters. Degu can be found roaming along the rock pathway on the southern central border of the Valley of the Four Winds, at the base of the cliff. Because of this, it’s important you stay close and run towards him as soon as possible if you see him start to cast. , While still a rough tame, Loque is not nearly as difficult to get now as he was early on in WotLK. Mostly because on our realm we have a certain druid who camps 24/7. Because of their healing spell and self-dispel, Spirit Beasts make outstanding pets for PvP and solo content, and they also have the distinction of being the only exotic pet with more than 2 special abilities. I only had to camp out for about a half hour. for arcturis near as i can tell he is on a 20+ hour one I have 667 pets, and 273 mounts as well. My 5th spectral was ghostcrawler…. Very useful, helped me to catch (so far) 6 of those beasts. I’ve never seen them together or near the same time but I’ve been reading a lot of conflicting information. ahahah wow right after a que popped some other hunter found him and got him im soo You cannot tame a beast that is a higher level than you are. I’ve had many more pets over the years I’ve been playing since B4 Burning Crusade even came out but have never had this much luck within a 24 hour period of getting 4 spirit beasts, plus several others within the last 2 weeks & a same repeat spirit beast (2 times) GhostCrawler within less then 48 hrs for my BF’s toon. Just got Gondria this morning! any tips? I don’t know the exact range, but it’s basically targeting range. So happy I finally got him! LOL, after waiting for arcturis for a whole day, then spending another day looking for loque, i goto zul drak looking for gondria, after about 15 minutes thar she blows!!! Added Tame BEast to the macro so that all you have to do is land and keep hitting the same button. They will be on the left, Grizz’s and stream to the right. I tamed loque around 6:30 realm time and local time, tamed gondria around 6:40 realm and local time. Ankha is a ghostly white and Magria a spectral blue. I have 1 question. Type Zone Spawn Timer Expansion; Owl. My in game character name is Srhunter – Lvl 90 Grizzly Hills Alliance… Give me GOLD and I will get you All Spirit BEASTS!!! As long as you stick to the strat and don’t develop carpal tunnel during the kitefest, you should be fine. Whootz!!! I have SilverDragon and NPCSpan but unfortunatly I havn’t had any luck. Ban’thalos circles high above the Sanctuary of Malorne, where the daily quest hub is. , Hey there, luckly i tamed loque and ghondria all within 30 minutes of that thoo , Tamed Loque 1 hour ago, what a rush Just wrote in Guild chat “Then I guess, I’ll have to fly around 9 hours straig – ZOMG LOQUE’NAHAK! /tar Skoll Karoma is unique in the sense that he’s the only Spirit Beast that is hostile, as opposed to neutral like all of the other Spirit Beasts. I started searching for Skoll… Took me days, weeks scanning the Stormpeaks spawning areas but nothing.. You appear to have JavaScript disabled. You simply need to play ring around the rosies for awhile, making sure to prevent him from healing, while burning him down to within taming range. Use Deterrence at the start of the tame. He is summoned through a rare spawn item called Spectral Eggshell which is found at the base of a pile of flaming skulls. it does help to have a healer do to his speacial ability. Much obliged! Ya, I was questing and looking up Loque’nahak jumping from spawn to spawn looking for him, no luck though, and I decided to go check the bear while i go to Dal and he was sitting right there, I’m quite pleased, but I’ll trade him for Loque any day, i was questing in zul drak near mam moth crather and just happened to look up and see gondria …i just about jumped out of my seat with excitement. If you don’t know what the hell a macro is, then check out this page. Now on for the other 2!! BTW aotona popped up at same time. all i want is skoll, JUST SKOLL. as well as the brights & flouresents, maybe it’s a female thing. tonight by the gascap at 10:13 pm server time (earthen ring). This requires flying up to where he’s flapping about, dismounting and then shooting him. Anyone know what phase you have to be in to tame Ankha or Magria? didn’t bother as I’ve already tamed and killed now have 3 elitesas pets got the big corehound from shadowmoon valley a while back. WoW Hunter Guides, News, Resources and Musings. Alright… well let’s go on a Spirit Beast Safari, shall we…, Let’s go tamin’ now…Garwulf here will show ya how, come on tame some SB’s with me…. !<3, Just got Ban’thalos about 10 mins ago! He’s the only Chimaera with his particular look – sort of like Prince meets HR Giger. Anyway im on bronze dragon flight server. Hutia respawns within about 10 minutes, so there’s no need to camp this one. SKoll is my only Northrend Spirit Pet left. It wasnt very hard to get him cause on archimonde there is hardly anyone in the basin, so after i tamed him i went to check gondria’s spawn points and found him on his very north west spawn point. Gl guys . After about four hours of wait time, Mining and Skinning in between, I was able to tame Gondria. What kind of pet should I use for PVP? So far I have Arcturis, Gondria, and Loque! Couldn’t find the tree.. Fear his melee attack, but fear his ranged attack even more. Most Northrend rare elite spawns every 8 hours to 24 hours same with most rare hunter pets in Northrend. I am searching for Loque’nahak at the moment can anyone tell me the best place to camp for him? So you have to quest in the area first, then you can tame? Once you reach the end of the quest chain, the mobs you’ll have to deal with can be a real challenge for lower level characters. an hours time today! Cheetah is not really a good idea for this tame since control is much more important than speed, not to mention the added DPS will help tremendously. I found Loque’nahak today near the top of the map but some stupid warrior was there i asked him nicely can i tame it and he said no he needed frost bite. The places I’ve seen Gondria out the most are the two eastern spawn locations near the entrance to Grizzly Hills. Hunter. NPscan did not sound the alarm as I realise that there is a cross beside Skoll name. . Anyway i logged off and occassionally log in to check ..Nothing.. During the times that I normally play, I’ve seen him twice – both times at around 9pm PST. Ghostcrawler shuffling around the Abandoned Reef. Bring on Patch 4.0 so we can usher in the SB5 club. Already having tamed the Kitty up in Zul’Drak the previous year. I have read in other places about Arcturis coming on the 15 min mark. Boost takes 3-6 hours. Last night @ 19.47 pm i tamed Magria, and now my Alliance hunter too is a proud owner of all nine spirit beasts. Just got loque and gondria in a 15 minute time span. Arcuris We wanted to see what kind of spawn rate, if any, was in play. Ok, so I’ve been after Loque for a while now (Moon Guard US). My only question is I am taking my son around to tame his spirit beasts and every thing still works except the tame of Ban’thalos. Thanks for the guide i got all my wotlk and cata ones in about 12 hours total thanks to cross realm assist addon . Rare and unique…. This week, monday 10/10/2011 I had the most beautifull hours in WoW since I started in Vanilla. AAAAAH! Refer to the Hutia guide above for the macro information, and if you need to know how to create a macro, please visit this page. The Astral Serpent is a hunter pet appearance in the Spirit Beast family. Got Ankha today on Burning Blade at 4pm!!!! 6:30 -7 hours after servers came back up, I saw Arcturis get tamed right as i exited a dungeon i was in. Sometimes pre-tamed pets can set off your npc scan application, especially if you program them in manually. (I know its pretty rude but he had me tilted.. Had been camping Storm Peaks for days). He was grieving you for the sake of being a douchebag. I saw him at 8:43 am EST in the Nesingwary Base Camp, closer to the cliff edge. My luck has been great yesterday and today morning. within, can you tame skoll in wrath of the lich king, Got Arcturis @ 2:37 am server time on Greymane. Signed a very happy young lady, Oh & I got Sambas a week before this also on a Tuesday after the realms came back up for maintenance (I’m thinking it was around 11am Realm time (California) ~Cenarius ) Good luck taming Loque. Lawman30 you wont have to get rid of nuramoc as you can have your him and 3 other pets in stable and then have your current pet out with you therefor having 4 SBs and nuramoc . So i resurrected and just stood there waiting for him to tame it, but he just stood there looking at me. But he is not a spirit beast. So i begin taming again and he pops out of stealth just to kill me again.. And there are many people on my realm looking for him aswell. While there may be more than 5 spawn points for Lightning Paw, the ones listed here are the only locations I can confirm. Just went into sholozar farmed 4 an hour last night.. no luck It can be tamed by hunters. It’s my assumption that they’re all on 6 hour spawn timers, however I’ve read many statements to the contrary. Find out when they spawn then go get them 6 hours later and wait. He spawned in @ 4:30 pm EST at Skyreach Pillar and I snagged him about a min. Apart from keeping out of melee range and DPS’ing Hutia down to the 20% health taming range, the only other thing to worry about is interrupting Hutia’s Spirit Heal. Tenacity gains the following benefits: I just decided to take a few hours farming Loque’Nahak, and when i was flying he just stood there after about 15min of flying, guess im lucky?! -Tarren mill Zaniy the huntard :3, If you’re seeing the fire mobs then you need to complete the prerequisite quests first so you can unlock the area. The time was 9:15 am server time. , Forgot to mention that is The Maelstrom Server Eu around 7 am game time ;p, Just got Gondria at 12:46pmST, Ner’Zhul. Most depressing point in my WoW life needless to say. Once you’ve completed the quest chain and she becomes tamable, take a few screenshots, message your friends or whatever, but don’t lollygag too much. Ban’thalos can be found flying high above the Sanctuary of Malorne. 10/29/2010 , Shattered Hand Best of luck to hunters looking for these guys, ITS COMPLETELY WORTH IT!!! Yeah that Luck is starting to run out though. I started using NPCfinder and NPCfinder_overlay about 4 days ago which made things a lot easier but I still refer to this guide It may be 7 years since you started this page but it’s very helpful! Ghostcrawler is immune to all crowd control spells, so you must withstand his attacks while taming. oh and a even crappyer thing that happend to me lol this is how much this game hates me i saw skoll who i also have been after for ages on my pally oh but its on a different relm and it hord grrrr not going my way this week. made my heart stop when SilverDragon add on spammed its sounds… if possible I WILL Necro this thread just to try to get other people to post where and when(exact REALM time) they tamed or killed her or sighted her. Required fields are marked *, so be sure to remove any and all pieces of gear that provide armor. you can catch a boat to Northrend from stormwind but you need to be level 68 atleast to quest in Northrend, just tamed the bear and 2 cats all within the 15 minute server restart countdown… i think thats a record.