How to Dual Boot Windows 10 and MacOS High Sierra on a Hackintosh The first step in the process is to format the drive as GUID. But you absolutely can update to High Sierra with this method with no problem. ちなみにhackintosh zoneからゲージが進まないのであれば However I will send you email link for the installer from other source , Brother a small query you extracted installESD.dmg on desktop in a folder named MAC OS but in half of your tutorial you started extracting things to folder named OS SIERRA I want to just know if bootESD.dmg,OSinstall.mpkg, packages and all base system,chuncklist files need to be in same folder or not kindly help, That’s just for temporary folder to keep everything organized, you can name it whatever you want, Hi, thats great tutorial! Warning! Just download other dmg my friend. Thanks for your tutorial, butr I have a problem. You can also found the download link of my pre edited config.plist above in this article ? Wow! –I want try Hackintosh For Web Development — I used boot disk utility to create a clover bootable disk and i flashed a untouched os x 10.8 untouched dmg on a other USBusing dmg . Next, copy all kext to Clover > EFI > CLOVER > Kext > Other (for OS Sierra) 10.11(for El Capitan) and so on. Disclaimer . 自分もぜんぜんインストールできないのですが一応今更ですが情報を Download config.plist that I use here: DOWNLOAD. Find your USB … Hackintoshes generally use Chameleon or Chimera bootloader (they're really the same thing) to boot Mac OS X. I unfortunately do not have a Clover boot USB. (Note! Select the ‘4.hfs‘ or ‘5.hfs‘ file depends on which macOS you work with. please for mac os sierra and disk manager tool as well thanks. ‘_MACOSX’ foder is how Apple system storing ‘Resource Forks’ when you create an archive using Mac OS built-in Zip file. これは試してみないとわかりませんね・・・, 手順通りやってみたのですが、 おそらくこの問題点だけ解決できればよいのですがねw, HPProbook6550b でHackintoshのインストールができたんですが、再起動で初期設定をすることができませんでした。 Processor : Intel® Core™2 Quad Processor Q8200 2.33 GHz However, on Windows, the process is … Run the ./createinstallmedia with –volume /path/to/your/hfs/formated/thumbdrive –applicationpath /path/to/appleinstaller/app and –no interaction if you wish an automated process. Processor : Intel Core2 Duo e8500 3.17 GHz. Ok, I’ll send the link via email. Please make sure to backup your data before do anything with your computers bro. I’ve send you an email. Make sure you know exactly what you are doing. If you really love the Mac OS X system, then you should buy a real Mac by Apple. intel core i5-3230 @2.6ghz x4 Finally you may copy config.plist and kexts to newly created Clover bootloader folders. in this post I’m gonna show you how to make Hackintosh Bootable USB Drive on Windows without Distro . そのSSDを「GPTパーテションにフォーマット」することは不可能なのでしょうか? You can read the post about it here Hackintosh Direct Upgrade From macOS Sierra to High Sierra. 皆さんこんにちは! 今回はめちゃくちゃ久々にHackintoshネタを書いていこうと思います! と言っても以前に比べてHackintosh周りのツールやパッチが便利かつ簡単になっているので敷居が低くなったため、解説なくても英語読めばある程度行けると思いますw 今回は私のHackintosh導入事例を … Can u send a screenshots Memory : 4 GB DDR 2 My way is using createinstallmedia from apple osx installer. That’s definitely will work just fine, just try it my friend! Okay, I will send you email to discuss it ? And I can’t download another 5GB file. bro i kind find the installer So Hackintosh is just installed and you want to play a game or for some weird reason you wanted to use Linux for Development, For playing Games you’re probably looking for Installing Windows on Same or Separate Drive and same for Linux. Term and conditions . can you please provide a link of mavericks or el capitan which one would run smoother (if that is not a issue of you). Help Please Thanks before. Use this keyword mac torrent download macOS. So, to make it back to full size we will use Paragon Hardisk Manager to get the job done. 64 bit When the restore process completes the size of partition was becoming smaller. I’m having an issue with the ‘packages’ folder – there’s none. 中にiso形式のファイルがあるのでそれをCDに焼いて下さい。 CereronのT3500を使っていますが、大丈夫でしょうか。 Create your hackintosh easily. I am having the same issue as a previous person. 2.) please send me link the .dmg you’re using in this tutor if still available, still curious to install it to my Intel PC. So, relax and grab a cup of coffee while you wait for the process complete. yep, i know you’re indonesian. -x -np-ZP graphicsenabler=no can you do smth. However, if you still have a problem please don’t hesitate to hit me in the comment section below. -samsung evo ssd. boot: の後に-v -f -xと入力したんですが出来ません。IGPEnabler=YesやGraphicsEnabler=Yesでも出来ませんでした・・・・・・。 could you help me sir? All i found were corrupted. Sorry again, is your tutorial works for sierra version? Choose ‘Direct download’, To download file individually, right click on the file you want to download or press & hold on smartphone and click/tap on ‘Save Link As ..’. Google it, use this keyword: macOS sierra mac torrent download, Hello! please HELP? There are two folders: ‘__MACOSX’ and ‘My EFI’. This method is may not work if you install hackintosh using Distro method). hfs throws an error at 99% and I have no packages files or any of the multiple files you did. Any chance to get the Link for the DMG, too? Motherboard : msi ms 7529 Apple PS2 Controller kext will work like a charm! See the screenshot below. Copy config plist to Usb flash > Clover > EFI > CLOVER replace existing config.plist there. It’s better to use the built in system kext, more safe , would you still use your NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT 512 MB or use a different video card if you had a choice now (used or new card). i have almost similar PC spec, could you send me link for sierra.dmg please. I have nvidia 9600gt that i thought of trying but not sure how to get the drivers for that or just go out and get a used one. ロードの途中でブラックアウトします。。。, このサイトを参考に導入させていただきました。 pcni=0x3000かpcni=0x2000とbootに書いて起動すると進む場合があります。, それでも無理ならgraphicsenabler=No、pci=noとかやってみるといいかもしれないです。, 当方の環境は if you cangive me the ‘4.hsf’ file. 皆さんこんにちは! 今回はめちゃくちゃ久々にHackintoshネタを書いていこうと思います! と言っても以前に比べてHackintosh周りのツールやパッチが便利かつ簡単になっているので敷居が低くなったため、解説なくても英語読めばある程度行けると思いますw 今回は私のHackintosh導入事例を元に書いていきますね!毎回書いてるかもしれませんが、全て自己責任でお願いします。当ブログは責任義務を負いませんのでご了承ください。私のHackintoshPC紹介Hackintoshするにはパーツ選びが非常に重要になってきます。パーツによっては動かない... 【Hackintosh】WindowsだけでOS X Yosemiteをインストールする方法 Yosemite Zone, 【Hackintosh】WindowsだけでOS X Yosemiteをインストールする方法 Yosemite Zone への,,,, 起動すると、パソコンにHDDやUSBメモリが表示されるので、用意したインストール用USBを選択し、, そうすると、USBメモリにYosemiteのインストールファイルがコピーされるので、待ちましょう( ‘艸`*), これで全て完了です( ‘艸`*) お疲れ様でした(*・ω・)*_ _))ペコリン. Try to use another computer who run Windows 10 64 bit. Actually you can get the same DMG files that I use from the internet. CDが用意できたら上に記載してあるPlop Boot Managerを Finnaly, i’ve got what i want -> ‘my low budget hackintosh’ Since Macs are Intel-based, the Hackintosh machines a little more compatible for installing macOS. -q8400 If it take too long check the spam folder. Just search on google with the keywords something like e.g Download Mac OS (X) InstallerApps. Because we still need to copy some file to the partition. Need help! And if I try to open it it shows a error can’t open. Plug your USB drive into your computer, and open TransMac. I have Asus P6t mobo (standard version), Xeon x5670 CPU and GTX 970. Your email address will not be published. I am sorry, but I don’t have the link for El Capitan. can you please send the link for your .dmg Graphics : Nvidia Gforce GT 9400 Can you please tell me or write a tutorial on how to create bootable osx with Clover on mac for old legacy systems like mine. [Note!] Then right-click, select ‘Copy Here’ and find ‘Packages folder’ in ‘Mac OS Folder’ in your desktop, and copy it. I also don’t have access to real Mac, so I need a link to correct DMG version. CPU:intel core i5 8400 you can google it or maybe asking guys from about your VGA work or not, other spec i think is just fine ? Now the final step to make it works. in this post I’m gonna show you how to make Hackintosh Bootable USB Drive on Windows without Distro. Just not cool typing in indonesia when the tutorial using english, haha. Hi, thank-you for your (so far) help. When I boot I stuck on the Apple logo, after 1 minutes approximately my laptop restart. Cheers! Hi! and proceed to installing clover with few tweaks aiming to installation on this partition (install to ESP and set the 0af boot bits something). This is because after restore ‘4.hsf’ file into it and BDU has formatted the partition into HFS Volume. pls gve me a link mac os for lenovo r500 tnx bro, Google it bro, use this keyword: macOS sierra mac torrent download. Snow Leopard up until Sierra and this is by far the easiest install I've had. But you always can ask uncle Google, use this keywords: download mac os x mavericks dmg. Hi Hermansyah, Thanks for nice hackintosh tutorial. And below are a short video of my low budget Hackintosh overview. If it’s possible, I can mail you some pictures of my BIOS. in this instruction u dont need to copy the packages folder. となり、ダメでした。, CPU:intel core i7 4790 haswellasro VGA : ATI Radeon HD 4600 series 1GB. [Important!] And I have explain about this here Hackintosh Usb Bootable Made in Windows for macOS High Sierra Error, But you know! But! And read the guide step by step carefully. Can I share the link with you before I download. Filed Under: Computers, Hackintosh Tagged With: Bootable USB drive, Computers, Hackintosh, Mac OS Sierra, Twitter | Instagram Sitemap. I even pressed enter it would then run the whole process and when ti completes nothing shows up. HDD SATA : SEAGATE 250 GB THANK YOU SIR ; An independent blogger who love drawings and paintings. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. And don’t forget to subscribe to Digimanx newsletter so you don’t miss any post about hackintosh, i’ve tried to install on my Asus K401J laptop with Intel Core 2 Duo T6570, Intel GL40 Express Chipset Family, 320GB WD Blue SATA, Embeded Intel GMA X4500M Graphic Card and 4GB RAM. wikiに乗ってますが、OSx86は、アップル製ではないPC/AT互換機で、アップルのオペレーティングシステムであるmacOSを動作させようという、コミュニティを通じた共同作業によるハッキング・プロジェクトです。 hacking+macOS で、hackintoshです。そのまんまです。 This method works on Mac OS X Yosemite, El Capitan, and Mac OS Sierra. Hi pro I can give you recommended torrent file. Memory : 4 GB DDR 2 And please do backup all your important data on your drive. マザボ:MSI Gaming Plus Z390 One more thing you need to consider before Hackintoshing your PC is. Thank you, It cost a lot to upload such a big file like macOS installer to a paid cloud hosting file sharing service. Make sure you know exactly what you’re doing and understand the risk as well. エラーの解決方法をお教えください。 But you can get it via torrent btw, just Google it by using this keyword: macos sierra mac torrent download. ok so far formatted using bdutility and got 200mb and rest 29gb partitions, restored .5hs file and all is well and i am trying to merge the unallocated but the paragon software you listed cant be installed on my windows 10 as it is only 32bit for the c++ supporting software required so i used latest 16.5 basic version but i am unable to merge, anyhow i opened the usb in transmac and it says no mac volumes found and i am stuck. please need the link, To download files at Dropbox, click on right top ‘Download’ button (or ‘Three dot’ on smartphones). Now the computer will not go past the black screen with text lines. Apple's M1 chip is being hailed as a leap forward for Macs. Takes a while but is much easier than running trough several programs to make installer USB, -vをつけて起動したのですが、エラーが見つかりません やはりCPUがAtomだからでしょうか・・・・・・。 For more info about this you can read the article here: How to Dual Boot Windows and Hackintosh With Clover. I have read your article you have provided all the necessary and detailed steps that are required. Then try to remember what kext you are using on your hackintosh, find those kext and put it on Clover > EFI > CLOVER Kext > 10.10 (Folder) You can see the example from this article in “Adding essential kext and pre edited config.plist to Clover Partition” above. So it should be placed outside along with the ‘macOS Sierra app’ and other files in the HFS+Volume root folder. If you like I can send you email for Sierra. Would you like to use a password. PLEASE SEND ME THAT TO MY EMAIL, VGA : XFX GT 610 1GB DDR3 64 bit, Masuk gan, kecuali GPU-nya saya kurang yakin. VGA Radeon HD 6450 i can’t find the right one I've done a couple hackintosh installs in the past. Plz Help me out. What folder for this ‘fun’ hackintosh? I booted on the clover usb and selected the disk with the osx on it in verbose mode. マザーボード MAXIMUS VIII GENE(Micto ATX), インストール後再起動するとログイン画面が出てこないです。。。 [Special note!] Find the original ones! 「MBRパッチを適用」とは、どのようにすればよいのでしょうか…? 解決法に心当たりありましたら教えていただきたいです, 私も何度やっても初めのhackintosh zoneのマークが出るところ(ゲージ?メータ?は表示されていません)で止まってしまいます。bootflagで-v オプションをつけたいのですが全く分かりません…。, CPU 6700k 4 gb ddr2 RAM RAM:4GB It will not charge you for any additional fees. And don’t forget to back up your data before hackintoshing your PC! When the process completes, we continue to the next step. Thanks in advance. エラーのところでフリーズするのですよね Thank you for any help, For audio isue read here How to Enable Sound in Hackintosh, Network read here How to Enable Ethernet in Hackintosh. とブートコマンド入れると進みませんか? Intel dg41rq motherboard, Intel e5200 processor, 2x2GB ddr2 RAM. How To Dual Boot Hackintosh With macOS High Sierra & Windows 10 In the following tutorial we will show you how to dualboot both operating systems macOS Sierra and Windows 10 on Hackintosh . Select your USB flash disk that appears in BDU click ‘Format Disk.’ It will create two partitions 200 MB for Clover & 7.8 GB blank “NO NAME”space. Okay, I’ll send you email for known working dmg, Matur nuwun mas tutorialnya. Actually any original macOS Sierra installer will work just fine ? NB. Those files are pretty big in size. Memory : 2 x 2 GB DDR 2 For more info check this post: Want to Install macOS Mojave on Hackintosh Think Again! If you still have a question please reply me from Contact page, so we can chat privately via email . Now go to the extracted file on “Mac OS Folder” right-click “InstallESD.dmg” to open it with 7-Zip. Although it’s recommended that macOS be installed on a separate drive than Windows, it’s perfectly possible to dual boot Windows and macOS on the same drive for those that don’t have multiple hard drives to spare. 必要最低限のパーツで構築して、再度挑戦してみてください(*・ω・)*_ _))ペコリン, CPU:Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 But, in case you don’t have a Mac, you can use Windows 10 to create an installation disk for Hackintosh. It will expand into 2 partition select “NO NAME” partition and then click Restore Partition. I am struck on still waiting for root device. core2duo 2.3ghz Go to the “Mac OS folder” where all files extracted, and then find “BaseSystem.dmg” right-click to open it with 7-Zip. Once again I remind you [Important!]. Without distro means we gonna make a Hackintosh Bootable U S Drive for Vanilla Installation method. またこれら全て入力してみると良いかもしれないです。, 全て入力するときは一つ入れてスペース入れてまた入力といった感じで入力してください。, Essentials.pkgエラーになります。 Try to search for the torrent buddy. Hi! Now it’s time for TransMac to work with. 何度もやってて、ブートオプションも試みたのですが、ダメです。 Here's our guide to building a Hackintosh 7. As far as I know my dmg file is not corrupt. Run Paragon Hardisk Manager and find US Flash Disk in the Drive list. Is high sierra works with this tutorial too? I have been trying various other methods on internet. Hackintosh Direct Upgrade From macOS Sierra to High Sierra. Find the original (untouched) one. Want to Install macOS Mojave on Hackintosh Think Again! will it work for me or not Fortunately, I have another hard drive with Windows 10 installed on it. ここはhackintosh (OSX86)について日本語で情報交換する掲示板です。hackintoshとはmacOSが動くように設定された非Apple製コンピュータのことです。 This is a subreddit talking on hackintosh (OSX86) in Japanese. How to Make Hackintosh Bootable USB Drive From Windows Hello! もしくは、外付けHDDを買ってきて「GPTパーテションにフォーマットしてインストール」することが可能だったりするのでしょうか?, …質問ばかりですいません! And even it will also work to use it on a real Macintosh computer as well to install macOS. if your graphics card is compatible with Metal display technology. There you will find a couple of binaries. After finish formatting. どんな理由があげられると思いますでしょうか?, 起動時点で何かエラーを起こしている場合は、ハードウェアがサポートしてない可能性が高いです。 You can read post on how to safely direct upgrade your Hackintosh to High Sierra here Hackintosh Direct Upgrade From macOS Sierra to High Sierra. I found your webpage and tried to follow it but the problem is when I try to open the dmg it says Archive not readable. While creating Hackintosh takes more of just creating a USB installer for Mojave. [Note!] ‘Some of posts on this site is contain affiliate links. I can’t find the Package Folder. Actually I still looking for cloud service to store my files, but all I found their price still too expensive for small blog like ‘this blog’ .. you know! Hello will it work on my PC thanks Also im using ps2 connecting keyboard and mouse but they are not found by el capitan. Hackintosh Mojave Installer is a smart way to Install macOS Mojave on PC without the need... 37,174 downloads (9 reviews) Updated Monday at 02:59 PM or any possible solution for this like how to set GraphicsEnabler to No? I tried everything on internet USBBusFix=Yes USBInjectAll.kext, tried many forums. you did what you had in the article I am very much impressed by your article and surprising thing is that i ahave also the same specs pc that you use to do the processing of installing the mac os . My System Configuration is Bellow: TIA! I can’t upload my own file because the cost of online file storage is really expensive. 120gb harddrive Possessor : Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 @ 2.33 GHz Choose the original ones / “untouched” Or ask a friend who has a real Mac computer or a running Hackintosh to download it from App Store. WD500GのHDD You see this because you are using Windows, and this folder is empty.You won’t see this in Mac because this is hidden files. tks again. OK Thanks for the reply. Hi Herman, hi again brother, i tried download mac os installer one by one but still didn’t found like yours. Otherwise, it will not work. For me, every Hackintosh stuff is only for FUN and educational purposes only. How to Dual Boot Windows and Hackintosh With Clover, hackintosh post installation and bios setup, ow to Make Mac OS Bootable Drive With Disk Utility,,, BIOS Setting and Post installation Setup [Hackintosh], Hackintosh Usb Bootable Made in Windows for macOS High Sierra Error, but there is an error dsmos has arrived os el capitan, dsmos error usually caused by fakeSMC.kext failure or incompatible hardware, in this case usually the VGA card ( You can read my post for working VGA list that I ‘know’ here: ). Windows10上の仮想環境(VMware15)に MacOS mojaveをインストールする方法、いわゆHackintoshやってみたのでその流れをご紹介します。macのディスク等も不要でWindows機のみで完結 … マザーボード:ASROCK h81m-hds This is important to extract ‘InstallESD.dmg’ file first if you work with a DMG file. You don’t need a real Mac: Hackintosh Mojave Installer, you can just set up everything from a Windows or Linux computer. I AM NOT THE AUTHOR OF THESE TOOLS. Without distro means we gonna make a Hackintosh Bootable US Drive for Vanilla Installation method. Run TransMac as admin and select USB Flash Disk (mine is Toshiba Trans Memory), Click on Hfs + volume > System Installation delete Packages slnk file. If untouched, the macOS Installer should be in App format ? Over all thanks for commenting, your comment remind me to write a New Post. Mobo : Asus P5KPL-AM with nvidia gtx220 1 gb Apple's new Mac Mini is killing my Hackintosh Commentary: Four years ago, I built a PC, then tricked it to run Mac software. xeon E5 2660 v2 On the other version of macOS it’s named ‘OSX-Base System.’ And do not copy to System > Installation folder like when you copy ‘Packages’ files. links to everything you need to build a Hackintosh and get macOS Big Sur (macOS 11) as well as many earlier versions of Mac OS X running on an unsupported computer -- instructions, step-by-step "how to" guides, and tutorials -- in addition to installation videos, lists of compatible computers and parts, and communities for support. VGA – ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT 1GB -radeon hd8570 コルセアの8G4毎ですね。, 問題はHDDにOSがインストールされた後、HDDから起動しようとするとSBGR:family specific matching failsと出てそこから進まなくなりますね。 Kind time of the day, on my computer will work os x capitan SSD : 120 GB Processor : Intel Core2 Duo e5800 3.16 Ghz Whenever I try to open the .hfs folder where it is supposed to be located at, 7zip does not do anything and if I open it via extraction, it spits an error at 99%. Joe. That said, if you’re interested in installing macOS Catalina on your Hackintosh … Quick reply…awesome… mouse computerのノートPCです。, Plop Boot Managerという物を使ってUSBを起動させるのですが、これを使うためにCDが必要になってしまいます。 Thanks a lot sir Can you please let me know what highest version of os x i can run on my specs : INTEL DG41RQ motherboard Okay! Ok wait the moment I’ll send you email for the screenshot. それかDVDを使ってしまうのが一番早いかもしれませんが・・・ 皆さんこんにちは( ‘艸`*) 年明けて更新をサボっていたうぃんつ(@hack_info)です(;・∀・) 前回Yosemiteを普通のWindowsPCにインストールする方法を紹介したのですが、今回はWindowsのみでYosemiteのインストールUSBを作成する方法を紹介したいと思います( ‘艸`*), 今回使う方法は、Yosemite Zoneというものを使用します。これは、純正のYosemiteのインストーラーをHackintosh向けに改造したものです( ‘艸`*), Unibeastとは違い、最初から様々なドライバが入っているため簡単にHackintoshを実現することができるものですワーイ♪ヽ(*゚ェ゚*)ノ, 今回の内容を実行する場合は自己責任で行ってください。このサイトは一切責任を負いません!, Hackintoshはいろいろなハードウェアとの互換性が大切になってきます(*・∀・) 皆さんのPCができるかどうかを事前に確認してから行ってください, 私の環境はこんな感じです(*・∀・) みなさんのPCでMacが動くのかが知りたい場合はここを参考にしてみてください!, 大容量のUSBメモリが無かったら、この際なのでAmazonで注文しときましょう(ノω`*), 【限定】Transcend SuperSpeed USB 3.0&Hi-Speed USB 2.0 USBメモリ 700シリーズ 32GB (無期限保証) TS32GJF700E (FFP), Hackintoshの環境によっては上手く起動しない事もあります。その場合はブートオプションをつけると起動する可能性が上がります, よくわからない場合は、ブートローダーで下のブートオプションをつけて起動してみてください,, 後は、環境によってはドライバ(kexts)が必要になるのでUSBメモリに事前に入れといてください。ハード別に動くかどうがを書いてるサイトもあるので、そちらも参考にしてみてください(ノ∀`), Hackintohsはなかなか成功しないものですが、めげずに頑張ってください( ‘艸`*), はじめまして。 まずブートを選んですぐに画面がリセットされる症状に関してですがCPU設定のXDビットという機能を無効にしているとなるみたいですので有効にしてください。 Thanks for your help in advance. Writing blog for sharing and learning. MOBO: asrock h110m-hdv but can I send it to your email? Tapi tak ada salahnya experiment untuk cari tahu . Try to boot in safe mode and disable Graphics card on boot. Ok bro no problem! On the other version of macOS it’s named ‘OSX-Base System.’ And do not copy to System > Installation folder like when you copy ‘Packages’ files. 次にCDからbootします。 My PC I know it’s suck but at least your important data is safe. gan, bisa minta link .dmg nya, lewat email saya! @Hermansyah Filani, i downloaded the sierra from a torrent ( i guess its already made usb i am not sure) and it has the following contents. and i am using that to create usb and i am not sure if the one i downloaded is already premade and if so how do use the one i downloaded to create usb, thank you. 今度は、再起動後に、6:00のようなプログラムの画面にはならず、3:00の画面と同じHakintosh zone のロゴとタイムバーが出てきて、タイムバーが途中でとまりそこから進まなくなりました。 Before open BDU plug your USB Flash drive. All Rights Reserved. Sir can you please help me. Ok! Just find the original/untouched one and everything will work fine. But there’s another author who also has the same idea but use the different tools. 16G ram Mobo : Asus P5KPL-AM SE Or share your experience on the Forum website and let’s help each other. This time copy and paste those files to ‘Hfs + Volume’ root folder. でご紹介いただいているようにUnibeastでやったら This will format the drive, copy all the files and make efi partition at begining of drive. When you click Continue, Unibeast will begin installing on … As I’ve tried all that OS myself on my low budget Hackintosh PC. Hackintosh Mojave Installer Supports Intel and AMD Processors including Ryzen.But requires SSE 4.1 instruction set Install. CPU – q9400 core 2 quad I updated Clover last night. また結果が変わりますでしょうか…?, たぶん、MBRパーテションにインストールしているからだと思います(;´・ω・) 別のハードディスクをGPTパーテションにフォーマットしてインストールするか、MBRパッチを適用させないといけません(*・∀・), 早速のご返答ありがとうございます! On a hackintosh it’s possible to dual boot macOS and Windows on the same hard drive disk, which I will explain how to here. [Note!] メモリ DDR4 16GB Intel E5200 processor Remaining options are a guess game and they depend on the hardware. Hi Hermansyah.. thanks for your post. See screenshot. The first idea of creating macOS bootable USB from Windows using BDU isn’t like this. Hope that help, because I can’t share a torrent link that obviously wasn’t mine. Required fields are marked *. Below is what inside the USB Root Folder should look like: And this what inside the System > Installation Folder should be: Please take your time and read carefully step by step, and it should be easy brother , Halo saya lagi coba hackintosh di The instruction meant to copy the AppleDiagnostics, BaseSystem and also both chunklist files to the root folder. can you gve me a link tnx, Try here:, Or, download it from App Store with a running Hackintosh or a real Mac Computer here: Download macOS Sierra, [Important!] Looks good! I thought it could have been a damaged file, however, I downloaded 3 different high sierra’s, 1 sierra and all of them seem to have the same issue. まあ、Macは、Intelだと、Core2以降しか対応していないようですけど。, うーん・・・ たぶん海外のフォーラムで検索をしてもらえれば作動した方もいるかも(;´・ω・), いろいろ調べましたがブートオプションの付け方がわかりません。 MB – gigabyte g41m combo Dony I already made the tutorial about it here Hello, If the method above doesn’t work, the only way to save your data is by put your disk that have hackintosh on it into your working Windows 10 computer as (Other disk) and copy and save all your important files to your Windows computer using TransMac. So, it will need some’ time to proceed, depend on your PC speed. Follow this step if you are setting up Hackintosh High Sierra Installer on Windows. Any idea?, ここからDLする必要があります。 For the last step I didn’t understand where the file should be posted, Do you mean placing config.plist, kext & driver to CLOVER EFI partition? You don’t need to install any driver, my friend, if your card compatible it will automatically work just fine. and you can throw off the working config.plist and kext to start osx Yeah! Now you have a bootable US drive and ready to install Mac OS (X) on your Hackintosh PC. Here is How to Create macOS Catalina USB Installer on Windows – Hackintosh. 返答お願い致します。, ブートオプションは、あなたのPCに応じて変更しなければなりません(;´・ω・) 英語ですが、Bootflagの説明があるので参考までに! Click USB Flash in BDU. For your GPU can fully working or not you may need to do a research, I only have a limited resource here know. GPU:PALiT NVDIA Geforce GT 730 low-profile you are so helping and kind i want the download link for macosx sierra installer kindly mail it to me and please tell me will it work good on intel core 2 duo e7500 @2.93ghs