This Set will be abused for sure by Stamina DPS, and Templar groups in Battlegrounds. It adds burst. Zaan has the strongest single target dps out of all monster sets. But try a few things out and see what works best for you. This set is one of the most popular dps Monster Sets. Thanks for watching my video on the "Top 25 Stamina DPS Sets for PvE." Another set that adds burst potential is Selene. But because your a bow build and the ranged monster sets are easy to move out of because pvp is so fast paced, it would be better to get more upfront raw damage with 2 x 1 piece sets (weapon damage and Penetration) or a defensive set when/ if you get caught. I haven’t tested Zaan on my Stamblade so with that excluded, Veldrith for sure. … Gear Explanations. Blood Spawn works great if you want good ult regen. And finally, the Thunderous Volley set from Maelstrom Arena is just another easy way to increase the overall passive damage of this build. The Pestilent Host’s 5 piece tool tip says it does 141,690 points of physical damage over 10 seconds. I tend to find it most useful on a Stam … The buff that it provides is very strong and it is our go to set currently. A lot of players use this on their stam sorcs to increase pressure and make killing their enemies easy. It procs all the time and adds significant dps. Selene or velidreth will give you the most dps potential (selene is better most of the time since it's difficult to get all 3 spores to hit the same target). If you do not have access to Summerset or do not like this set for whatever reason, I recommend using Hunding's Rage in its place, which is an extremely solid set that provides a great … 05 Nov 2020 14:09 . Tzogvin’s Warband. Veli for a ganker, selenes for a brawler/ganker, troll king for better survivability, Kena for bow build, bloodspawn for brawler. Relequen: A set added in the Summerset chapter, this has become a staple dps set for stamina damage dealers. Selenes is kind of in the middle - good but not great. For monster sets, kragh's is super easy to farm and is pretty solid. Selene is also an easier dungeon to get the helm. In order to select the top 5 Tanking Monster Helm Sets we had to establish criteria that allow us to categorize them. Maw of the Infernal Really, there’s an endless amount of ways you can go and you can use anyone you want as pvp allows you to be much more dynamic and forgiving because there’s really no such thing as BiS for it. The Vildreth Set is one of the most commonly used Stamina DPS Monster Sets and is a part of the Shadows of the Hist DLC. Top 5 Monster Helm Sets in ESO. Bloodspawn is a great set but not so much for stamblade dps. The only problem is that, just as the Stormfist, it is easier to see and dodge the hard hitting damage of this set. So you have to be able to stay close to your enemy, otherwise the beam will break and the set goes on cooldown. The only real downside to this set is its limited range which is at a maximum of 8 meters. Selene as the monster set boosts our Maximum Stamina even higher and gives us a very nice and consistent damage proc. No way that is correct. I've listed the sets in a chart as well, which I linked below.