Facebook Search Tool: People Findthor Search by employment past/present, relationship status, etc. Again, this is where a data dive can help, working out who these potential subscribers are, the time of day they read, the type of content they spend time on, for example. I teach on the Interactive Journalism MA at City University. If a Facebook user clicks to read a story and the web page is slow to load, she will likely click away. He’s now at Conde Nast. For example: ?id=https://www.vogue.com/article/see-prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-official-wedding-portraits&fields=engagement. John Burn-Murdoch @jburnmurdochA data journalist at the FT. A City alumni and former City lecturer. The commercial radio station I worked for had fantastic community of people who would text in. After reporting for the Birkenhead News and Radio City in Liverpool, he joined … He was one of the founding team at Quartz. We rely on advertising to help fund our award-winning journalism. Facebook icon by Jurgen Appelo on Flickr. Head of audience growth, Vogue International. wsj.com; SarahMarshall; Loading comments... More from Sarah Marshall. I recommend downloading and reading both but here are five quick takeaways: If other departments only see data as quota they have to hit, or worse, as a judgment of the work they’re doing, it’s harder to use analytical insight to inspire any change. Mark Little @marklittlenewsA former TV news reporter who founded Storyful, Mark is now in a senior role at Twitter. Jim Roberts @nycjimJim is a one-man news machine. Detention camps in Bosnia, 1992. My background is in broadcast and local news, having worked as a radio producer and newsreader and print journalist. I’m encouraging this year’s cohort (studying the MA in interactive journalism) to use Facebook to share their stories. Jon’s advice on optimising for friend shares is to focus on the share plugins, the buttons on your site that readers click on to share to Facebook. One of the Interactive Journalism students asked how to grow follower numbers, particularly if you are starting from a small base. Every student journalist must get to grips with Twitter. Janine Gibson @janinegibsonEx Guardian, now editor-in-chief of Buzzfeed UK. Jack Marshall @JackMarshallJack is a media reporter for The Wall Street Journal. As newsrooms have shifted to a reliance on digital audiences, those with the title are now a vital* part of the newsroom. Kate Day @kate_dayEx Telegraph, Kate now has a key role at Politico Europe. Press Gazette @pressgazetteUK newspaper industry news. (At Vogue International we do this using PublishCheck, an analytics tool.). Here’s a pro tip for you, if you want to add bullet points to a tweet, you can do so by using the alt + 8 shortcut (on a Mac). I often want to find an article I tweeted a few days or even years ago. As I mentioned above, I set this up as an experiment last year. This will likely include longform content, informative articles that helps a person in their job or learn about an interest, and it may include series or franchises which promote familiarity and repeat visits. It’s one person’s take and very much aimed at UK students. Adam Tinworth @addersBlogger, digital journalist, trainer, consultant (and familiar face to those on the Interhacktives course), Alberto Cairo @albertocairoData visualisation journalist. A Facebook share is the total count of the number of times a URL – and therefore an article – is posted to Facebook. The new search skills aimed to give students some power searches for finding the most engaging tweets mentioning “Nick Clegg” or #Internationalginandtonicday (see above). When you tweet a journalist’s story you may include his or her @handle. common ways that She’s ex FT and behind the Buzzfeed News app. Perry Hewitt @perryhewittCreator of a Friday roundup of 5 links to emerging technologies and cool stuff. If you don’t have access to the app, here’s how to segment friends and professional contacts: I have one called ‘journa-list’ for my journalist and journalism-related friends and ‘non-journa-list’ for my school friends, family etc. Nick Garnett @NickGarnettBBCBBC reporter who has pioneered iPhone reporting, follow Nick for tips on audio and video (and news from the north of England). You may decide to reply to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter comments, for example, to host and engage your audience. Her first book, Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth, was a finalist for the National Book Award. GroundSignal.com Location-based search. Amy Webb @amywebbAmy famously leads a session at ONA every year on future trends. University of Warwick. can think about what Digital toolbox 2. Analyse what people share vs. what they read. Know that in 2017, Twitter made the decision expand its character limit from 140 to 280. As head of audience growth I spend a lot of time guiding headline changes. You’ll need to click ‘Get Token’ check one of the options and authorise using your own Facebook profile. In lesson 4 we looked at Tweetdeck, going from the basics to advanced newsgathering in the space of 40 minutes; creating Twitter Moments and we discussed social media guidelines. Private Eye. Sarah Marshall Journalist at The Press Association London, Greater London, United Kingdom 193 connections. 1 Reply. Photo by Master OSM 2011 on Flickr. Jon’s next tip was to “measure, test and change one variable at a time”. London, England. Sarah Marshall. 24 Takeaways from the ONA London Conference on Mobile. As Hamilton put it, the audience development team should ask and answer the following questions: “Know your strategy, prioritise ruthlessly,” Hamilton said when asked to give a key takeaway at the end of the session. The Huffington Post has gone from posting 68 native Facebook videos last June to posting 302 in February this year. The Guardian’s overall goals are advertising and membership; the New York Times is aiming for subscribers; Buzzfeed’s model is one of scale and branded content; The Times is around subscriber revenue. Lesson 4: How to use Tweetdeck + tips on Twitter Moments, lesson 1 we looked at the role that audience development plays in a newsroom, it has 50 newsletters reaching 13 million people, met my City University journalism students for the first time last week, a journalism student starter list on who to follow on Twitter, list of this year’s Interactive Journalism MA students, FT reporter Khadim Shubber who covered the Christine Blasey Ford testimony, This BBC Africa thread on the investigation into a chilling story, This NY Times thread on the investigation into President Trump’s tax affairs, Here’s an interview from 2009 with Alex Gubbay, the first social media editor at the BBC, how engagement is key to keeping people returning to a news site or brand, still provides 28% of traffic to the news publishers that use Parsely, ONA conference on audience development in 2016, Chartbeat noted in May that mobile direct traffic started to eclipse Facebook traffic, 13 Facebook tactics to grow your audience, Here’s the documentation on the Graph API, https://www.vogue.com/article/see-prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-official-wedding-portraits, this delightful story from the New York Times. David Holmes @spikefodderJournalism lecturer at Sheffield. Students, you can pick and choose who you follow or opt to follow the entire list (which is at this link). How do you see if a particular news story has more page shares or more friend shares? The move by Facebook to prioritise friend and family posts over those from news organisations and brands was announced in January. If the aim is to reach a particular type of audience (student journalists in the case of Interhacktives.com, for example), the content has to be tailored to the desired audience’s needs. Jon suggested getting granular beyond reach. Sarah writes an environmental column for The Muslim News, and curates a blog that showcases her travels through Asia. The the breakdown of expertise as follows: A person from the insights team works with each editorial team, Frank said. The Prosperity Hoax Tom Stevenson. Talking heads, not a particularly engaging format for pre-made videos, work well live. Sarah Marshall's writings on gender, crime, and scandal have appeared in The Believer, The New Republic, Fusion, and The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2015, … Tags: facebook video ONA online news association newswhip nowthis. … He’s ex New York Times, Reuters and Mashable. He’s now social and new formats editor at the Guardian. Tags: audience development audience engagement ONA online news association. Jeff Jarvis @jeffjarvisAn author, educator and blogger. “McBee says that when there’s an obstacle to growth, it’s most often an editorial obstacle, such as a story not being framed or headlined in a way that will resonate with the audience.”. Image by Paul Hudson on Flickr. You might want to track how people engage with a button or a respond to a call to action like a newsletter signup, he suggested. (via 4 Landing Page Design Myths that Actually Hurt Conversions). Scroll down to ‘friends’ on the left side of your News Feed. https://www.niemanlab.org/2020/12/the-year-audiences-need-extra-cheer The one account you need to keep an eye on to track big breaking news. Sarah Marshall. Before the development of the much-discussed Ophan analytics tool “data was like nuclear waste, people didn’t want to go anywhere near it”, Chris Moran said during a recent discussion (a panel marking the publication of the Reuters Institute report on newsroom analytics). This Japanese Robot Will Feed You Tomatoes While You Run a Marathon. This is the quickest way to find that. This allows you to see what type of content is the most guilty of clickbait, low-value clicks that don’t encourage loyalty. Facebook also has an Instant Articles product for subscriber publications, currently in alpha. Read Later. You get the idea that there’s no one-size-fits-all audience strategy. This shows that the total share count is 997 (+ 41,677 reactions + 743 comments). Journalism Jobs @journalismjobsJobs advertised on Journalism.co.uk. Text. On Friday, the day of the class, trending terms included “Nick Clegg” (after his new role at Facebook was announced) and #Internationalginandtonicday. This class also asked students to create a Twitter Moment, tweets curated into a story. I won’t write a long guide here as there are great resources online, but know that it is a powerful content discovery and social monitoring tool. Hamilton’s team is therefore working out what motivates a reader to get out a debit card and become a member. (It’s striking how different this list is due to job hopping during the past four years.). Zach Seward @zsewardZach is a former social media editor at The Wall Street Journal. But there have been positive stories for some publishers this year. Sarah Smarsh is a Kansas-based journalist who covers socioeconomic class, politics and public policy. Every week they reconsider a person or event that's been miscast in the public imagination. Create a free Muck Rack account to customize your profile and upload a portfolio of your best work. Politics? He’s now doing data at Google. Pop culture? He also suggested testing the share quote plugin, an underused Facebook feature that allows readers to share a quote. Since 2017 he has been a freelance writer, published by outlets including BBC Future, the Observer, Nature, New Scientist, and the Telegraph.In 2019 he was shortlisted for News Item of the Year by the Association of British Science Writers. Articles. Here are my notes from a Facebook-led workshop. The third option for subscriber publications to consider if call-to-action options (CTA). Jon shared four tips for publishers with paywalls. Kristen Hare @kristenhareReports on the news industry for Poynter. Mike and Sarah are journalists obsessed with the past. Creative commons. One topic that student journalists should be interested in is digital journalism. Here are tips and takeaways from Liam Corcoran from Newswhip and Sarah Frank from NowThis. Pew Research Center November 25, 2013. She made the point that even though the site of course cared about on-platform engagement, it was equally as important for Buzzfeed to have brand reach, whether logo on a social card on Twitter or a native post on Facebook. “29% of email signups are from this channel,” Jon said. Both were busy terms but the filter button allowed us to find the most RTed or liked tweets. Make sure you take a family break with a fairy tale ending, says Sarah Marshall If I have missed an account you feel digital journalism students should follow, message me @SarahMarshall (I accept DMs) and I’ll consider adding. The solution is to check that all the traffic for that UTM parameter has Facebook as a source in GA / Omiture. Shaping stories. The first part of this post tackles the question of a definition for audience development; the second lists some takeaways from the session. By filtering to see only tweets mentioning “Nick Clegg” that had more than 50 RTs and filtering mentions of #Internationalginandtonicday to those that had 40 RTs and 20 likes, we were able to easily find the top and most engaging tweets. For real-time updates and journalist information, request a free trial and learn how Roxhill’s topic led media database can help you secure press coverage and build journalist relationships. I teach on the Interactive Journalism MA at City University. Kristine Lowe @KristineLoweKristine is a blogger and sharer of news industry tips and digital knowledge. Journalism Festival @journalismfestEvery year journalists from all over the world meet in Perugia, Italy to talk shop (and drink). How many times will you aim to tweet? A journalist’s job is to report impartially. New email subscribers receive a free copy of our current issue. No one denies that a large number of people worldwide live in drudgerous poverty. Lesson 1: The social, audience and growth roles within newsroomsLesson 2: Getting started on Twitter - a guide for student journalists, Tags: audience development interhacktives. Aron Pilhofer @pilhoferAron led the social and interactive team at the New York Times before a two-year stint as executive editor at the Guardian. Nuzzel is one of my homescreen apps and the primary way I avoided missing key industry news when I was on maternity leave. Mindy McAdams @maclooA digital journalism professor. Raju Narisetti @rajuOne of the few exec-level folks from the news industry to have adopted Twitter and other social platforms in the early days and remained open and active. Richard Sambrook @sambrookProfessor of journalism at Cardiff. You can use Tweetdeck to schedule tweets. https://www.example.com?utm_source=Facebookpage. Can I tailor it for the different platforms. I see my teaching role as equipping the trainee journalists with those skills so they are employable on graduating from the MA in 9 months’ time. (More on analysing your audience across channels here. To open any tweet to its own URL, click the timestamp. I’ve concluded that my personal contacts don’t mind seeing journalism news, and I’m happy for professional contacts to see family pictures and updates. There’s a correlation between engaged time and the likelihood of a reader returning. As mentioned above, friend shares have become increasingly important since the change of the algorithm. “You can precisely target readers at all parts of the funnel,” he said. An advantage of the pageview metric for Hamilton? Parse.ly’s provided good ideas on data projects and Chartbeat’s explains what engaged time means for ad viewability. Journalism.co.uk @journalismnewsFor news on innovations in the digital news industry (disclosure, it’s my former home). Using the CrowdTangle browser extension the NY Times page post had 61,088 shares. Felicity Morse @FelicityMorseA joy to follow for her humour, Felicity is a digital editor at the Independent. As this 2014 Digiday article notes, “The New York Times’ Innovation Report pointed out the need for audience-development specialists to get Times content in front of more readers.”. He’s an experimenter who gets stuff done. To engage loyal readers, there must be content that makes people return. He’s now been snapped up by Nieman and brings key industry news. Angus explained how the BBC has increasingly shifted to visually-led storytelling and demonstrated this by showing what a BBC News web story would have looked like a few years ago, and how they would … doncasterfreepress.co.uk — With most of us working from home during this latest lockdown, and plenty of shops closed, popping … He’s now chief digital officer of New York City. Often going overboard with one metric, such as trying to boost Recirculation with slideshows will reduce Engaged Time. For, example, India has a 75% read lift for IA. Here are a few accounts to follow for news on the news industry. Jon also pointed out that you can force a re-scrape. I have for years – particularly... Powered by Tumblr. Email. Chris Sutcliffe @chrismsutcliffeNews editor for the Media Briefing. Audience development roles have developed over the past five years. Sarah Marshall is a writer-in-residence at the Black Mountain Institute in Las Vegas, and co-hosts You’re Wrong About, a podcast about misremembered Online News Association @ONAA member organisation that’s behind the key conference that’s a date in every US digital journalist’s diary. For segments that show a lower ratio, perhaps give the audience alternatives to social sharing, like an SMS or WhatsApp private messaging option. Mike and Sarah are journalists obsessed with the past. Facebook Live videos tend to hold people’s attention for longer, Corcoran said. I’m a guest lecturer on the Interactive Journalism MA at City University London. Don’t use RSS like it’s 10 years ago? How is your news organisation measuring Facebook performance? WhoPostedWhat.com A non-public Facebook keyword search for people who work in the public interest. The success is the result of diving into the distributed model – and focusing on failures, said Frank. Facebook Analytics can answer questions such as “do people who follow us on Facebook spend more time on site?”, Publishers can also use Facebook Analytics to analyse multiple Facebook pages and look at how many people follow more than one of a publisher’s pages. This figure shows some Breaking News @BreakingNewsSet this up as a user column in Tweetdeck. I explained that this could be used in a search such as the following: list:realnickperry/hackney-councillors to:PhilipGlanville ? “Data is not isolated, it’s part of everyone’s job.” she added. This will mean your profile will show in search results of others are looking for City students. But our owned and operated sites get zero traffic from Snapchat. “Audience development has become core to how publishers scale and make money. Tags: Twitter journalism student journalism. The Chartbeat whitepaper encourages you to “think beyond the click”. Sarah Marshall (sarahmarshall) on BuzzFeed. And social, audience and growth roles have shifted with the algorithms. In 2016, famous children’s authors Roald Dahl, Beatrix Potter and AA Milne are celebrating anniversaries. Tags: Twitter journalism city university of london interhacktives. Clicking and Reading are different things. Think of these two metrics in context with each other and try to get them both balanced to an ideal state. Not the modern journalism course timetable. This is also where you create a Moment. As an example, we searched for a list relating to Hackney. Career. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and other social platforms have been an important source of traffic to news sites. Sarah Marshall. Emily Bell @emilybellDirector of the Tow Center at Columbia. 1340. Sarah Marshall: Google Search Tips for Journalists. Paul Bradshaw @paulbradshawJournalism lecturer, data expert and behind a number of educational e-books. Visual journalism and web video at BBC News. Discussing this tactic, Jon shared some interesting data points. Photo by Rolf Brecher on Flickr. This allows you to sort through busy search terms. Sharon Jean Marshall (born 21 September 1971) is a British entertainment journalist and screenwriter best known for being the resident "Soap Expert" since 2003 on ITV's This Morning. Know that in 2015, Twitter launched RT with a comment. Asked in the Guardian interview if he would play a role in the distribution of news, he said: “Indeed, part of my work will be to extend the news and distribute them into the social networks, so that people can discuss them. Facebook doesn’t make this easy. Facebook pixel allows sites to track user journeys. Search Articles Articles . Chartbeat encourages a focus on both keeping people on an article and getting them to click through to another. Simon Rogers @smfrogersSimon used to run the Data Blog and data desk at the Guardian and then went to Twitter. Everyone understands pageviews and how they can affect them. This algorithm change particularly hit VC-funded, ad-supported news startups including Mashable, Vice and Buzzfeed. You can “use Custom Audiences to either remove current subscribers from targeting or target them specifically.“, The second option is using Instant Articles. Or as Jon Heaton, who is based in London and leads the Facebook EMEA Media Partner Engineering team, put it these are “12 tactics or ideas you can use to test, measure and learn”. It was by far the most practical Facebook workshop I’ve attended. Know the most useful Twitter search. Michael Marshall is a science writer interested in life sciences and the environment.He has worked as a staff journalist at New Scientist and the BBC. Here are three examples from the past 10 days: Now you have these tips, create a strategy for your own Twitter use. I encouraged them to think about Tweetdeck searches they could have running for news in their patch. There are some really good ideas to help publishers grow audiences. Follow the RSS feed for this page: Pew Research Center March 9, 2015. The news industry has moved beyond the simple measure of pageviews in recent months and years. Liz Heron @lheronLiz went from the New York Times to The Wall Street Journal to Facebook before back to the newsroom, taking a senior role at Huffington Post. Jon explained that you do this by pulling in event channels (maybe a Messenger bot, maybe multiple pages) and once in view, you can then use the overlap functionality to look at how many users follow more than one page. As Jon pointed out, if OG tags are not set – i.e. They key is to add columns in the order that they are most useful to you. The publisher owns the pricing, data and customer relationship, Jon said. About Sarah Marshall. (It explains how to analyse data and calculate this.). Once you know what is the the most and least engaging type of content is (tip 3), you can use that to help you achieve your goal of increasing engagement. This year I’m blogging my class notes. A social media editor may respond to comments or take an action as simple as liking an Instagram post or Facebook comment, showing the reader the news brand is listening. What will your approach be? In the summer of 1992, Marshall, together with Channel 4 News ' Ian Williams, were the first television journalists to uncover the Serb-run detention camps in Bosnia. A long time champion of digital for the local newspaper publisher. For example, posting more, might increase reach, Jon said. Aside from that, what else are you interested in? The next step required is working out how to get stories to the right people – and how to position the stories for each platform. Every week they reconsider a person or event that's been miscast in the … Participation is something The Guardian is known for, whether soliciting reader photos or listening to comments. The role was fairly similar – though needed less explaining to fellow journalists – when I joined The Wall Street Journal as a social media editor in December 2013. Based in Florida, she covers events related to regional economic growth, politics, and the environment. I remember hearing Buzzfeed UK editor in chief Janine Gibson speak at Hacks/Hackers in December 2015 when Buzzfeed traffic had exploded. Pocket Instapaper You Might Also Enjoy. CNN, for example, has increased its native Facebook videos from 35 shared in June 2015 to 313 in February 2016. He was educated at Rhyl Grammar School, De La Salle College, Jersey and the pioneering Communication Studies course at Birmingham Polytechnic. Mark Frankel @markfrankel29Social media editor of BBC News.