8 TRENDS TO KNOW IN DIGITAL MARKETING IN 2020. We may have seen the apex of celebrity influencers in Fyre Fest, which took place in 2017, but really came to light in 2019 with the release of two telling documentaries. This 5 part series from Cindy Krum is the, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Email, A Crowded SERP for Local Service Business, Google to Focus on Natural Language Processing, The Importance of Your Google My Business (GMB) Profile, Commit (or re-commit) to knowing your audience, Conduct a customer survey (compensate them for participating, come on now), Find out how you’re ranking locally and organically with, Partner with professional researchers. Other Trends for 2019. Others are data-backed consumer trends – for instance, many social media users are taking “detoxes.” And still some are early predictions on what’s coming in 2020 – like the rise of newsletters and monetized content.Â, Some we would recommend implementing ASAP no matter who you are. The brands who jump on the shiniest new toys will struggle in the new decade.Â. Content Marketing. Influencer Marketing Reinforces Social Media Efforts. Great tactic, but here’s what’s happened: Someone wants to write on SEO tools. If you don’t have a newsletter and have the bandwidth: go for it in 2020. This opens a huge door for marketers to create spaces that build staying power and promote meaningful conversations for and among customers. Don’t think you have the time or resources to create something like you see above? Much of 2019 went as predicted in digital marketing trends posts, but it also threw us some surprises. I have been reading several stories and predications which outline few sexy and attractive marketing technologies and tactics such as voice search, micro-influencers, automation, and of course AI. Newsletters? Conducting a voice search, for example, is very different from typing a query, particularly in the results. Between the two, we can be sure that businesses need to continue prioritizing the privacy of its customers. Ahrefs recently published an “interactive guide” that gives step by step instructions with varying information based on how your steps are going.Â. This knowledge is prevalent in plenty of digital marketing books and guides authored by some of the most successful marketers in the world. Start saying goodbye to Humaaans everywhere. Sidenote: if that’s you, check out some of these great docking stations for WFH. Reply. High-end intelligence is becoming affordable, meaning the door is open even for small biz. If you aren’t able to work your way into the local pack (with local SEO), you’re competing with local directories for a total of 4-6 (typically what we see) organic slots for local businesses. These days, they’re changing at a rapid pace. That being said, Google is getting smarter, and it gives preference to in-depth, accurate, current content that is closely aligned with user intent. This is the kind of content that will cut through the noise in 2020. This is good news for search but means fewer shortcuts and hacks to good rankings.Â. in the last 12 months. Transparent Marketing Ale te zmiany są poniekąd naturalną konsekwencją nowego typu myślenia: proces sprzedażowy nie kończy się wraz z finalizacją transakcji. When you consider the benefits, it’s easy to understand why: Tidio research from January 2020 found that 43% of consumers prefer to message an online chatbot rather than to phone customer service centers when communicating with a brand. So, as you can see, things are moving fast in the digital marketing world. In other words, email is here to stay, and email marketing itself continues to be important. To Do in 2020 Don’t jump ship. Brands are posting stories on average around seven days a month.Â, People love stories because they’re authentic and transparent. Emma Kennedy, Digital Marketing Intern “In a world of celebrity endorsements, sponsored posts, Photoshop and paid influencers, it feels like we are seeing a move the opposite way as consumers expect ever more authenticity from brands. 1. We looked at the state of virtual events in 2020. For instance, you can set a target Cost per Acquisition or (Enhanced) Cost Per Click and Google will automate your bidding to achieve your goals. Check out some of these free tools: Artificial Intelligence (AI) turns 65 this year. Google is developing a deeper, more sophisticated understanding of online content, and so, marketers must think carefully about their target market and how they can tailor content more precisely in 2020. 42% of people expect an immediate response (within 5 seconds), and 36% expect a response within 5 minutes (Drift). Why is Content Marketing essential? Start investing in advertising – especially if the local pack hasn’t been kind to your listing and you feel you’ve optimized well. Doing this will help you get the coveted position zero or featured snippets on Google. Sign up for newsletters including latest news, events, products, and services. Consider adding a few next-level pieces to your 2020 content calendar before it’s too late. He started this infographic in 2011 with 150 companies. Stories had a huge year in 2018 across all platforms, and the momentum continued through 2019.Â, But it’s not just Instagram – Facebook stories, WhatsApp stories, and Youtube stories (currently in Beta) have all surpassed 500 million active users in 2019.Â, Hootsuite reports that 64% of marketers have already implemented Instagram Stories into their social media strategy or are aiming to do so in the next year. It was originally called dyPunto, before being renamed as Adlibweb in 2006. 3. Because the internet is flooded with 1500 word articles on everything from A-Z. What this means is we should see more and more well-written articles ranking well, and we can say goodbye to the thin, irrelevant content with the target keyword in every header. With loads of innovations and techniques in marketing, consumer buying … Consider more private channels through which to engage your customers in 2020. New improvements and new models make it tempting. If you don’t adapt, you’ll surely be left behind. Zenreach is one who is working on solutions using Wi-Fi signals and tracking cookies to measure what marketing efforts drew that customer to the store. Companies must keep this in mind as they create new content in 2020. We also saw the CCPA (California’s Consumer Privacy Act) enacted in October. Rise of Stories 3. Privacy remains a hot topic in marketing. Content Marketing Trends In 2020, AI technology, video, voice search, and interactive content will be among the most prominent trends. But if it continues to grow, it will mean new metrics and valuable data for local, retail, and restaurants – which means massive implications for how they market. 63% of online consumers are more likely to return to a company website if it has a live chat option, hammering home the need for companies to take this channel seriously. Put these classics on your 2020 reading list: Read some more recent books on human behavior, psychology, and marketing : If you haven’t already, consider bringing. There just aren’t a lot of clicks going to the fourth and fifth organic results with so many features above. Conversational marketing is more human, more engaging, and more effective.Â, Private groups are blowing up among brands.Â. However, you will find a number of content optimization tools like Surfer that will analyze the language and semantics of other well-ranking posts for the same keyword. It’s relatively low effort.Â. So, it is high time to start planning how you can use social messaging for digital marketing in 2020. If your marketing has hit a wall and you feel you’ve tried almost everything, local influencers may be worth trying in 2020 – especially for local B2C brands. In 2020, this innovation in digital marketing will definitely give you good results in the future. With so much content and news on the web, people are willing to subscribe – and even pay – for someone else to cut through the noise for them.Â. Less generic posts on 50 SEO tools and more first-hand accounts of one’s experience using 5 tools.Â. is one who is working on solutions using Wi-Fi signals and tracking cookies to measure what marketing efforts drew that customer to the store. In October, Google rolled out a natural language model called BERT that garnered a TON of attention. Don’t buy the shiny new tool as soon as your budget allows. Instead, we’ve created a culture and industry full of copied, unattributed, and spun content grasping at length and breadth as differentiators, rather than value. Zenreach is a good place to vet first. Animation attracts the viewer’s gaze and holds it for longer periods. #1. Those who cut down on usage cited information overload, time waste, lack of trust, privacy concerns, and mental health as their reasons. Story clicks are dirt cheap, and for some brands this could mean cutting your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) in half if your audience is active on those platforms. Catch him reading Moz blog posts, eating tacos at his desk, or playing with his NBA bobbleheads. Check out this Search Engine Results Page for “roof repair near me” (searched from the beautiful Greenville, SC): There are six businesses listed before the local pack (the map Google displays with three local businesses). Entities become the heart of indexing and optimization. Content marketing includes SEO and many other tactics that help in running websites more effectively in the future. If you can curate truly unique and valuable content well, your audience will thank you. Therefore, it’s a logical step for brands to start connecting with people on these platforms. As AI technology improves, companies can leverage data insights and machine learning to get a better understanding of customer behaviors, and then personalize it at the highest-level. What Are Local Services Ads? As privacy concerns increase, so do engagement and participation in more private social channels such as Facebook Groups, Slack communities, and messengers. Consider implementing stories into your 2020 social media plan if you haven’t already. Social media platforms have always been volatile (think about Myspace, Google+, and Vine). With the unexpected Coronavirus hitting us in 2020, businesses have had to largely shift away from in-person sales for months. So, with businesses and customers keen for more involvement with chatbots, this is sure to be one of the fastest-growing digital marketing trends in 2020. The new algorithm helps the search engine giant get a better understanding of the natural language in user search queries. Here's our guide to the most common and most commonly misunderstood digital marketing terms every marketer needs to know to stay ahead of the curve. Think about these stats from ImpactBND: Video marketing is highly-engaging, especially if it's live video. 2 min read >>> Check out our digital marketing predictions for 2021. You can find him on LinkedIn. That leads us to one of the most exciting digital marketing trends in recent times…. Text-based content simply can’t compete with the power of video, especially when it comes to trying to sell products and services online. This approach enables businesses to connect with customers on more digital touchpoints, effectively offering a better user experience. we’ve seen in the last year on how to do that well. We’re seeing entire businesses popping up based on this approach. One potential problem that marketers should keep in mind is that Instagram recently decided to remove the likes feature from the platform. If you don’t prioritize your customers’ privacy, it’s time to start. Chatbots, while kind of old news, will continue to play an important role in digital marketing during 2020. Adlibweb is a digital marketing resources agency founded by Nick Loggie and Pilar Vidueira in 2001. Other. Smart bidding has been around in Google Ads for quite some time. To Do in 2020 And we’re seeing businesses that have ditched the newsletter in the past returning to it. 2. , there are over 7000 viable marketing technologies on the market.Â. This kind of branding will stand out and differentiate in the age of the detox. In 2020, more companies will experiment with interactive content types, such as: These formats leverage cutting-edge marketing technology, such as augmented reality and video content, to offer people a more immersive, engaging experience. Brooks is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Engenius, with expertise in SEO, Analytics, and Content Marketing. But 2020 is the year it becomes a must for all brands.Â, Why? Is it possible for a trend like this to grow during the privacy revolution? Don’t buy the shiny new tool as soon as your budget allows. They have been everywhere on the web – particularly for SaaS websites. Much of 2019 went as predicted in digital marketing trends posts, but it also threw us some surprises. Growth of Instagram Here are the best digital marketing articles for you to read in 2020. There’s yet to be any notable research (that I know of) on optimizing for natural language. Some believe keyword research will decline in place of in-depth topic research, SERP research, and semantics. The question remains: will you give Google the reins? The once-dominant force is continuing to drop in popularity with younger demographics, with TechCrunch speculating that Facebook may be dead to Gen Z. Top 7 Facebook Ad Hacks of All Time. Some key tech monopolies took the defense in DC. In 2020, AI technology, video, voice search, and interactive content will be among the most prominent trends. Their keyword volume games don’t answer my question, but it’s a unique experience that draws me to their brand. In 2019, ActiveCampaign rolled out Predictive Sending starting at its $129/mo plan. Advice from Google is that “rather than chase the latest SEO trends, it’s more important to ensure a site has fast speeds, useful links, and well-written content.”. With this comes a demand for content that shows a behind-the-scenes look into a business. Interactive content is anything that people can click on, swipe, or interact with online. The ever-changing digital ecosystem can be confusing. So, what will 2020 bring to the digital marketing world and what can you do to prepare? 42% of people expect an immediate response (within 5 seconds), and 36% expect a response within 5 minutes (, Conversational marketing is a relatively new, If those aren’t options, brainstorm other ways to enter into conversations with your audience and customers, For example, Peleton (who has garnered a LOT of attention during these last few weeks of 2019), where members can “…connect with fellow Peloton Bike, Tread, and Digital Members and stay up to date on Peloton announcements and features.”, 2019 brought a decline in Facebook users, an increase in Instagram users, the explosion of TikTok, and the rise of, . As a local business, if you can’t afford to pay Kendall Jenner to promote your brand, you may find success with a local influencer at a fraction of the cost.Â. So once 80,000 articles have been written on “How to Do Keyword Research,” we’re ready to engage with something refreshing.Â. Greenville, SC 29601. Better yet, customer retention, average order value, and purchase frequency are all higher when you have multiple channels. Surveys have shown that 80% of businesses want chatbots in … Who knows. In 2020, you can expect to see much more marketing in messaging apps, with many companies including video and interactive content to engage users. Gather your data, do your research, and tap into your network for advice.Â, Tools, trends, and tactics will all change. Here’s our ultimate list of digital marketing statistics in 2020: Email Marketing Statistics. 70% of consumers have shared a brand’s video. Content marketing continues to be an essential component of digital marketing, although there's an increasing emphasis on nuance in content. What this means is we, . Throughout 2018 and 2019, chatbots carved out a regular role on Facebook, by the tens of thousands, for different tasks. Marketing through Facebook Messenger generates 10 to 80 times more engagement than organic posts on the Facebook News Feed. Many consumers began to realize, “A celebrity endorsement may not mean a quality product.”Â, On the other hand, local and micro-influencers tend to garner more trust. Marketing tech stacks are all the rage right now (more on this later), but a small local team probably doesn’t need to go and invest $5,000/mo in technology next year. By delivering a seamless, consistent voice and cohesive brand message across all channels, you can generate much better results. This is a really hot topic for local retail businesses. MobileMonkey Founder, Larry Kim provides crazy shortcuts that you can copy to great effect in your own campaigns. By Brooks Manley December 27, 2019 4 weeks ago Uncategorized. 80% of businesses claim they want to start using chatbots this year. General marketing principles apply to almost all business, while the impact of more specific trends, tactics, and approaches are limited to certain sized companies, target audience, and industry.Â. If you don’t automate any of your bidding, give Google a shot this year (under close monitoring and data tracking). More SaaS incorporating imagery of customers. 2019 brought a decline in Facebook users, an increase in Instagram users, the explosion of TikTok, and the rise of the social media detox. It would give an evergreen trademark place in 2020. Facebook is no longer the kingpin in the social media world. Google rolled out some major algorithm updates. Google continues their effort to learn and understand natural language, so it can better understand and appropriately rank pages. Visual search using tools like Google Lens or Pinterest Lens is the newest development in online search. 3b. The movement of images will be present in all facets of design in 2020 - and marketing is no exception. Digital marketing has nothing to do with the internet or Google. We had had 17 digital marketers weigh in to let us know what they see on the horizon, so we can all plan accordingly and have a great year of engagement, clicks, and conversions. That means it's one of the most rapidly growing social media platforms and, perhaps more importantly, much of its user base is the coveted younger demographic, especially under 30. Nowadays, consumers want this type of memorable, fun content from brands, as it helps them feel more connected to the company. 66 Digital Marketing Statistics You Must Know: 2020/2021 Data on Email, Social & Mobile Channels To be able to do digital marketing, you have to learn its fundamentals. This is the best post we’ve seen in the last year on how to do that well. According to Outgrow, 93% marketers rate interactive content as highly effective at educating the buyer. TikTok exploded.Â. When you can trigger your email marketing to something specific, such as a user browsing a particular product, and then follow up with a promotional price or demo video in a personalized email, this can be very effective. And they’re now extremely accessible – in fact there are many free options. Don’t employ anything in 2020 without asking if it’s right for you, your company, and your industry. Anything to set your brand apart will be a win in our book. For marketers, this can mean, If your marketing has hit a wall and you feel you’ve tried almost everything, local influencers may be worth trying in 2020 – especially for local B2C brands. RIP to the shallow, broad, and unoriginal. Here are three online marketing trends that have been big over the past few years and will continue to be big in the digital marketing world. Digital in 2020: the essential headline numbers. The value add will be worth it even if you’re sending them to others’ sites. No Comments. In 2020, new technologies and tools will come to the fore, forcing marketers to adapt in order to keep their organizations at the top. Say goodbye and say hello to what we call the serif + branded illustrations trend. But people don’t. Benton Crane, CEO of Harmon Brothers Better pieces of content haven’t really been created.Â. BERT itself might have been blown out of proportion, but it is a big sign of things to come. After all, Digital Darwinism is an unforgiving reality. If you already have a newsletter, double down on it. Consider advertising on IG and Facebook. According to MarTech expert Scott Brinker, there are over 7000 viable marketing technologies on the market.Â. Marketers must find ways to be effective while less intrusive to help their brands win. And now, machines are finally catching up to the way people want to search, shop and discover new things. More branded illustrations. However, email marketing is evolving, and generic marketing emails aren't as effective as they once were. Digital Marketing in 2020: A glimpse into the future Marketers are expected to take full control of the customer experience in the coming years The … Globally, the amount spent on digital marketing in 2020 is expected to reach $1.3 trillion. The course consists of 3 levels – beginner, intermediate and advanced. Failing to prioritize privacy may lead to fines. The value add will be worth it even if you’re sending them to others’ sites. If you haven’t yet tip-toed into using AI or ML, 2020 may be the year, and email marketing automation might be a great place to start. 5. Digital marketing is a fast-paced industry. This sentiment has always existed, but it’s been a bit more prevalent over the last six months. It’s certainly not a new trend but its implications and accessibility for marketing continue to grow. 1a. How can you tell if your marketing efforts are driving people to your location?Â. In a mobile-mad world, people are watching more video than ever before, using smartphones to watch and share videos about everything, learning more about brands, and what they have to offer. ClickZ reports that omnichannel marketing drives over three times as much engagement than a single-channel approach. However, many have had doubts about Google’s automation. Animation. In 2020, we can see the huge impact that digital marketing has had over the last decade, and more. While it could lead to an uptick in content quality, many users may drift away from the platform in search of vanity metrics elsewhere. 90% of customers want to have conversations with brands (Twilio). . Stories continue to provide a ton of opportunity for marketers – and we don’t believe that’s changing in 2020. If you don’t have a newsletter and have the bandwidth: go for it in 2020. Then highlight it in your marketing. By now, there aren’t too many successful businesses that don’t have an online presence. Google continues their effort to learn and understand natural language, so it can better understand and appropriately rank pages. Exposure Ninja reported in June that over 35% of adults reduced their social media usage in the last 12 months. Not much to do here. SEMRush has been doing this for a few years with interactive games and quizzes. Email is often the final trigger to motivate an action, especially when combined with your remarketing techniques. From a digital marketing standpoint, what will 2021 bring? It’s about engaging with customers in real time to get a better sense of their needs and more quickly connect them to solutions. The real lesson for us is that people like to talk and that is a preferred way of interacting. Make sure you have a solid strategy in place and ensure your toolset works for you. But on the other hand, this means, SEMRush has been doing this for a few years with. 7. If you aren’t investing in email marketing right now, check out GetResponse. But when someone asks a device to conduct a search and the device replies verbally, it may only give a few choices at most, and frequently supplies just one choice. The aforementioned trends are only going to continue and grow in 2020. Things like creating authentic content, improving site loading speed, and prospect segmentation are needed to implement digital marketing effectively.